Bernie Sanders' 'Cardi B is right' tweet is lighting up the internet

Bernie Sanders: “Cardi B is right”

Bernie Sanders: “Cardi B is right”

A recent tweet from Bernie Sanders said that Cardi B is "right" about Social Security in the US. "If we are really great we need to strengthen Social Security so that seniors are able to retire with the dignity they deserve". "If we are really great we need to strengthen Social Security so that seniors are able to retire with the dignity they deserve".

In her wide-ranging interview with GQ, Cardi B noted that Roosevelt - the 32nd president - helped the country "get over the Depression, all while he was in a wheelchair". For 2017, the maximum taxable earnings cutoff for paying into Social Security is the first $127,200 in income.

Sanders has always been an advocate of strengthening or expanding social welfare programs like Social Security and Medicare.

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The shout out to FDR came in a section of the magazine interview in which the avowed political science junkie weighed in on all manner of Washington knowledge. "Like, this man was suffering from polio at the time of his presidency, and yet all he was anxious about was trying to make America great", she said. Plus, during Sanders' 2016 campaign for president, he introduced rapper Killer Mike at Coachella.

Sen. Bernie Sanders is singing the praises of Cardi B after she highlighted the importance of Social Security. In fact, Complex reported that she wants receipts for what the government does with her tax money. The former Democratic presidential candidate tweeted [as seen below] that he agrees with the rapper that there needs to be a stronger Social Security policy. Perhaps his tweets indicate he plans to do something regarding a possible bid for the highest office in the land sometime in the near future.

Both beloved by millennials, Cardi B and Bernie Sanders have finally crossed paths.

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