Bomb blast outside the office of Indian consulate in Nepal

The proposed site for Pancheshwar dam project. Pancheswar a multi-purpose project conceived under 1996 Mahakali treaty between India and Nepal got a fillip when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Nepal in 2014

The proposed site for Pancheshwar dam project. Pancheswar a multi-purpose project conceived under 1996 Mahakali treaty between India and Nepal got a fillip when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Nepal in 2014

None of the employee was present inside the building at the time of explosion. The report also said that cadres of a local political party could be behind the blasts. Morang SP Arun Kumar BC said that the blast took place on Monday night in an open space behind the building. No one was injured in the explosion that took place at the temporary office of the Indian consulate in the province capital, 380 kilometres from Kathmandu. Police said they are investigating to find out on who caused the blast, Kathmandu Post reported.

India had established the office in Biratnagar for security check of Nepalis entering India after a flood in Saptakoshi in the monsoon of 2008 created a havoc in eastern Nepal. It, however, continued to function from Biratnagar ever since then.

Quoting sources, a report by CNN-News18 has said that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) could be behind the attack, and that the agency has also been planning similar attacks on Indian embassies located elsewhere.

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The party had called a general strike in Biratnagar on Monday.

Security has been beefed up in the area following the blast.

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