Russia could destroy evidence of himataki in Syria, the French foreign Ministry
At a weekly briefing in Moscow on Thursday, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Russia deems "any" lab tests of the Skripal samples as "strange".
According to the publication, the investigation has made a major breakthrough establishing the people suspected of poisoning and believes they had returned to Russian Federation.
Counter-terrorism police are building a case against "persons of interest", who are believed now to be in Russian Federation.
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It represents a security's price that, if achieved, results in a trader recognizing the best possible outcome for his investment. Relative volume is the comparison of current volume to average volume for the same time of day, and it's displayed as a ratio.
Algerian woman denied French citizenship for refusing to shake man's hand
The ruling stated that the woman did not fully conform to the norms of the French community, hence, her citizenship was denied. The woman appealed the decision to deny her citizenship in April past year , claiming it was an "abuse of power".
Sushma Swaraj leaves for China to attend meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Besides China and Russia, SCO's other members include, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan. India was an "observer" in the grouping since 2005 and was made full member along with Pakistan a year ago .
Police have also drawn on extensive CCTV footage in the English market town, the newspaper said. The Russian Embassy in London sent a note to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain in response to the statement of the countries "Big seven" of the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, reports the Chronicle.info with reference to the UNN.
The newspaper's sources admit that it will be very hard for the British police to bring charges against suspects, and any demands of the British authorities to grant access to "persons of interest" for the investigation will only exacerbate tensions between Britain and Russian Federation.
Retired military intelligence officer Mr Skripal, 66, and Yulia, 33, remain critically ill in hospital after being found slumped on a bench in Salisbury city centre on 4 March. Both were hospitalized in critical condition. The head of the designated OPCW lab said that the nerve agent mentioned by Lavrov was in its control sample and had "nothing to do with the samples collected" at the site of the Skripals' poisoning. Moscow denies its involvement.
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