Brutal homecoming for cat who walked 19km to get back to family

Toby the cat managed to walk 12 miles back to where his old owners lived after being given away to another household last month

Toby the cat managed to walk 12 miles back to where his old owners lived after being given away to another household last month

Fortunately, the shelter then contacted the SPCA of Wake County where they were able to find Toby a new home! The family took Toby to the local animal shelter to have him euthanased.

A North Carolina cat walked 12 miles to find his family and nearly ended up being put to sleep instead.

Unfortunately, the family he loved so much did not want him and took him to a shelter in Raleigh, North Carolina, and asked them to euthanize Toby. "Of course we said YES!"

The 7-year-old orange and white kitty tested positive for feline immunodeficiency virus and had a cold when he was brought to the SPCA in February but was being cared for by staff.

Toby's story has touched thousands of people's hearts.

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SPCA of Wake County's Facebook users responded to the news with a mix of joy and anger.

Toby's story sparked outrage online, as animal lovers angrily reacted to the family that wanted to have the cat put to sleep.

On April 16, the shelter announced that this sweet boy had a ideal new family. According to the SPCA, Toby was welcomed into a new home with three siblings - two human and one feline.

This story does have a happy ending, though: Toby was adopted by a loving family last Friday, 13th.

"We were thinking he would need to be an only cat because he was kind of feisty with some of his roommates but his mom says he's gelled with his roommates at home", Lynn says.

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