Cardi B says Offset has picked a name for their baby

Cardi B on Ellen | EllenTube

Cardi B on Ellen | EllenTube

"I really like the name", she said.

Meanwhile, Cardi B recently revealed her pregnancy during her appearance on Saturday Night Live.

Cardi B, who has the #1 album in the country and occupies the #1 spot on Billboard's Artist 100, appears on Thursday's edition of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show".

Despite being pregnant, Cardi, real name Belcalis Almanzar, delivered another stunning performance when she took to the Coachella stage on Sunday (15Apr18) wearing a chain depicting the Loony Tunes cartoon character Lola Bunny.

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Ellen also presented Cardi with a baby-clothes version of the outfit that Cardi wore on the Invasion Of Privacy cover, she bartered with Cardi over baby-name choices, and she played her game 5 Second Rule with Cardi. "I'm going to let him say the name since he named the baby". Now, she's a rapper, but she was discovered on Instagram while being a stripper.

"I was just trying to show the world how I got pregnant in the first place".

After side-stepping a more in-depth description of how one gets pregnant, Ellen moved on to discussing buying Cardi a new vehicle even though Cardi doesn't drive, "I'm a professional passenger", she said. "I'm so used to taking the train so I was like, 'What do you need a vehicle for?'" When Ellen said she'd get her a discount on her Lamborghini, which Cardi wants to be red with a "baby friendly interior", the music star smiled: "I need friends like you - all my friends just get me into fights and trouble!"

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