CDC Says Romaine Lettuce is Source of e. Coli Breakout

CDC Says Romaine Lettuce is Source of e. Coli Breakout Romaine lettuce

CDC Says Romaine Lettuce is Source of e. Coli Breakout Romaine lettuce

You may have noticed, it's been hard to find romaine lettuce at stores or restaurants this week.

The Centers for Disease Control says 35 people from 11 states have been infected with the strain of E. coli from romaine lettuce.

According to the CDC, no common grower, supplier, distributor, or brand has been identified at this time.

TheDelaware Division of Public Health (DPH) is advising residents and food-related businessesof a multistate outbreak of E.coli infections linked to chopped romaine lettuce from the Yuma, AZ region. As of April 14, 2018, Fresh Food Manufacturing Co., based in Pennsylvania, was recalling some 8,700 pounds of prepackaged salad mix products labeled "Great to Go by Market District" that were shipped to retailers in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia and had sell-by dates of April 13 to April 16, 2018.

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Health officials in DE, which has no reports of illness, also have issued warnings.

Officials also ask consumers to confirm the source of chopped romaine lettuce, and not to purchase or eat any if the source can not be confirmed. Most people infected with E. coli O157 develop diarrhea, severe stomach cramps and vomiting. The CDC has not reported any deaths. Of the 35 confirmed reports, Pennsylvania had the highest number with nine.

Twenty-two people have been hospitalized, and three people have developed kidney failure.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health said it was "working closely with our federal partners, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, as part of this investigation". However, in some cases severe illness, including kidney failure, can result.

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