Charlize Theron got depressed after huge weight gain for film role

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

To gain weight for the role she had within three months (in the film, Theron played the mother of three children), and at first it is even amused.

Theron - who famously spent an afternoon with Prince Harry at a charity polo match in the 2011 and was once incorrectly rumored to be on the guest list for the royal wedding - said she's "a big fan" of the 33-year-old groom-to-be.

It wasn't the first time Theron had to gain weight for a screen role. I was not that fun to be around on this film", Theron revealed to Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday."The first three weeks are always fun because you're just like a kid in a candy store.

When asked about whether or not the mother of two wanted to go for three, like her character, the actress shut down that prospect. "And then after three weeks, it's not fun anymore".

"Like, all of a sudden you're just done eating that amount and then it becomes a job", she said after confessing to eating In-N-Out for breakfast.

And Theron opted for some of the most unpalatable foods on the planet.

"I would literally wake up at 2 in the morning and I'd have a cup of cold macaroni and cheese just next to me", she said. "I would just, like, shove it in my throat". "It's hard to maintain that weight".

Charlize said she ate fast food at all times of the day to gain the weight. Pic Focus Features
Charlize said she ate fast food at all times of the day to gain the weight. Pic Focus Features

She'd previously gained weight for her 2003 film "Monster" - a performance that netted her an Oscar for Best Actress - but she notes it was easier to drop that extra poundage when she was 27 than it was this time around.

The South African-born star cited her high-calorie junk food diet as the reason behind her bad mood, claiming that "I was not that fun to be around on this film".

It took her a year-and-a-half to slim back down to her original weight. "It was a long journey, very long journey".

Unfortunately, it's not as if she could relax once the cameras stopped rolling as the actor said director Patty Jenkins treated Charlize like she was Aileen all the time. "Because on 'Monster, ' I just didn't snack for five days and I was fine".

Speaking of being a supermom, Charlize had to juggle motherhood, press junkets, and workouts after she was finished filming Tully. "The struggle is real for everybody". "What's attractive about this film, it's unifying".

Tully is set to hit theaters on May 4.

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