Chemical experts on probing mission into Syria in limbo

Trump decided to abandon plans for more Russia sanctions

Trump decided to abandon plans for more Russia sanctions

She said there was evidence the Assad government was behind the chemical weapons attack in Douma and it was "legally right" to join the strikes.

Administration officials said Monday it was unlikely Trump would approve any additional sanctions without another triggering event by Russian Federation, describing the strategy as being in a holding pattern...

Administration officials said the economic sanctions were under serious consideration, along with other measures that could be taken against Russian Federation, but said Trump had not given final authorization to implement them.

The extent to which the strikes impacted Assad's ability to launch more chemical attacks remains unclear.

The United States, France and Britain conducted an unprecedented missile attack Saturday on the Syrian regime that Paris described as a matter of honor but admitted had solved nothing.

Chemical weapons inspectors in Syria will be permitted to visit the site of an alleged chemical attack on Wednesday, Russia has said. While he declared success, the Pentagon said the pummeling of three chemical-related facilities left enough others intact to enable the Assad government to use banned weapons against civilians if it chooses.

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is pushing back against a suggestion by President Donald Trump's chief economic adviser that she was confused over possible new sanctions targeting Russian Federation. Both Syria, which denies any chemical use, and Russian Federation, which provides military support to the Syrian government, have reacted against the action.

Jeremy Corbyn, head of the opposition Labour party, led criticism of May for not recalling parliament a vote, accusing her of blindly following US President Donald Trump's orders.

Last of Queen's homebred dynasty of corgis dies
Willow was one of four dogs at the time who featured in a picture with her, taken on steps in the grounds of Windsor castle. A courtier at the palace declared that the pet "represents a significant thread running through the Queen's life".

ESPN & FOX Sports To Make Joint Bid For UFC TV Rights
The UFC has been hunting for a new TV rights deal since an exclusive negotiating period with FOX expired past year . TV sports packages, UFC would not mark the first league to which these rivals have shared rights.

Walmart Website Has New Look in Latest Push into E-Commerce
Walmart (NYSE: WMT ) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, February 20th. (NYSE: WMT ) for 85,944 shares. Amid the previous 3-months, the stock performs -13.91 percent, conveying six-month performance to 0.86 percent.

Asked to clarify the comments made by the U.S. representative at the OPCW, that Russian and Syrian personnel on site "may have" tampered with the evidence, Nauert simply read out the envoy's statement without further explanation.

Mr Johnson, speaking at a summit of European Union foreign ministers, stressed it was "not an attempt to change the tide of the war in Syria or to have regime change" and "the Syrian war in many ways will go on in its awful, miserable way".

"We're not going to leave until we know we've accomplished those things", she said.

"The President is the one that gave the directive", Sanders said.

Nikki Haley said Sunday the US planned to punish Moscow for its support of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government, but the White House later walked back the statement.

Al Jazeera's Khodr said that even if the OPCW finds that the chemical weapons attack happened, there would be no new punitive strikes.

However on a full scale deployment, such as the Iraq War, where plans are built over a longer period "it is absolutely right and appropriate for parliament to debate military action in advance", she said.

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