China's Economy Remains Robust: Q1 GDP Growth at 6.8% Year-on-Year

Hexi New Town is seen in Nanjing Jiangsu province is seen on July 30

Hexi New Town is seen in Nanjing Jiangsu province is seen on July 30

China's economy grew 6.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2018, slightly faster than expected, buoyed by strong consumer demand and surprisingly robust property investment despite continued measures to tame rising home prices.

"They are trying to deleverage the economy, they are also trying to reign in some of that credit growth", Sian Fenner, economist at Oxford Economics told CNBC on Tuesday ahead of China's first-quarter GDP release.

However, industrial production dropped to a Y/Y rate of 6 per cent in February from 7.2 per cent the previous month.

Analysts are watching to see if trade tensions with the USA will develop into a major risk going forward.

Scatter art exhibit opening reception welcomes all this evening
A wide variety of media was employed by the students, including pencils, inks, chalks, clay sculptures and more, she said. The exhibition is free to the public and located in rooms 230 and 240 of the Art and Communication Building.

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The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. UBS upgraded shares of Intel from an "underperform" rating to a "market perform" rating in a report on Monday, March 26th.

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The rating was maintained by Craig Hallum on Wednesday, August 9 with "Buy". (NYSE:ZTS) has "Hold" rating given by Deutsche Bank. The company reported $0.69 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the Zacks' consensus estimate of $0.66 by $0.03.

China is aiming to re-engineer its growth model, from driven by massive state-led spending to a domestic consumption-led economy, tolerating a moderate slowdown to carry out hard reforms along the way.

In addition, fixed asset investment growth from January to March slowed to 7.5 percent year-on-year, lower than the 7.9% in the first two months of 2018. There was a 35 percent rise in online shopping compared to the same period previous year. In the entire year of 2017, the world's second largest economy expanded 6.9%.

Many analysts remain skeptical about whether the Chinese economy will expand at the same pace this year, with regulators taking steps to restrain the overheated property market and protect the environment.

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