City In California's Orange County Votes To Exempt Itself From Sanctuary Policy

City In California's Orange County Votes To Exempt Itself From Sanctuary Policy

City In California's Orange County Votes To Exempt Itself From Sanctuary Policy

The county Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted to file a court brief siding with the federal government in its lawsuit against California's so-called sanctuary state law.

The board, which represents San Diego County and its unincorporated areas, directed the county attorney to file an amicus brief supporting the federal government's lawsuit against California.

The city of San Diego ranks as California's second-biggest by population, and with the adjacent Mexican city of Tijuana, comprises the largest cross-border metropolitan area shared between the United States and Mexico.

After more than five hours of public comments, Los Alamitos City Council members gave final approval to an ordinance to exempt the city from the state's sanctuary laws created to protect immigrants in the country illegally.

San Diego County joins the north San Diego city of Escondido, Orange County, Los Alamitos and other cities which have turned against their own state's policies on immigration and policing in siding with the federal government's legal challenge.

The board voted 3-1 in executive session to support the action, ABC News 10 reports, following a similar action last month by officials in Orange County near Los Angeles.

The screaming could be heard inside the chamber during the meeting.

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Gaspar held up a stack of printed emails and letters more than foot high that she said the board had received from residents who want the county to stand up against the state policy.

Mayor Troy Edgar, a council member who voted for the ordinance, said he has spoken with a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement representative and told him he would welcome the agency.

The costs associated in defending any lawsuits the ordinance could invite "would bankrupt our city", Chirco said.

California has portrayed itself as something of a leader in battling Trump administration immigration-control efforts.

Local governments in recent weeks have taken varying approaches to weighing in on the sanctuary state case, from resolutions to voting to file lawsuits themselves. But the Trump administration lawsuit has energized many in a party that has been rendered almost irrelevant at the state level, where Democrats control every key office.

The city council of Beaumont - a Riverside County city with a population of almost 37,000 - is scheduled to debate a resolution Tuesday night that declares Senate Bill 54, the "California Values Act", is incompatible with federal law and, therefore, illegitimate.

In standing up against the irresponsible actions by the State of California, our County Supervisors who supported this action clearly demonstrated that their priorities are protecting those of us in San Diego County and not about politics.

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