Deadly auto bombings 'to deter chemical weapons investigations' hit Douma

UN team fired upon in Syria while visiting suspected chemical sites

UN team fired upon in Syria while visiting suspected chemical sites

"It is our understanding the Russians may have visited the attack site", U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Ward said at an OPCW meeting on Monday, reports Reuters.

The team has faced several obstacles in getting to Douma, raising concerns that any chemicals that may have been used could disintegrate by the time experts get there, or that evidence could be manipulated. Israel did not confirm or deny mounting the raid. Douma was freed by Syrian government forces last week, after a Russia-brokered agreement with Jaysh al-Islam militants occupying the town resulted in their mass evacuation to Syria's north. Civilians who had been forced to endure life under the militants left the town through humanitarian corridors in their thousands.

"As of today, Russian Federation and Syria still refuse to give inspectors access to the site of the attack", the French foreign ministry said Wednesday in a statement.

The United States, the United Kingdom and France have blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for the attack and together carried out airstrikes over the weekend in response, with the support of other Western nations.

Independent experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons are still waiting to visit the town, 11 days after the alleged attack took place.

Confusion has also swirled in recent days over why the team has failed to gain safe access to Douma.

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Experts arrived in Damascus on Saturday, but they have been unable to visit the nearby town of Douma because of "security issues" cited by Russian Federation.

Syrian and Russian security officials have attributed the delay to "security issues" and insisted that roads still had to be de-mined and cleared before the investigators could access Douma. Activists say at least 40 people were killed.

"Not even a day passed after the missile strikes when their organizers started putting forward unusual and political initiatives", Nebenzia said. After he was revived, he returned to the shelter and found his wife and daughters dead, with foam coming from their mouths. Nuseir said a gas cylinder was found leaking the poison gas, adding that he didn't think it was dropped from the air because it still looked intact.

"The Syrian regime has reportedly been attempting to hide the evidence by searching evacuees from Douma to ensure samples are not being smuggled from this area, and a wider operation to hide the facts of the attack is under way, supported by the Russians", she said. He said he tried to enter the shelter but was overcome by a strong smell of chlorine and his comrades pulled him out.

"We've seen that the Russian government and the Syrian government - their whole goal in this is to try to cover up".

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