Democrats outraising Republicans in key US House races

Poll Dems lead by 10 on generic House ballot

Poll Dems lead by 10 on generic House ballot

So, in an astonishing flip, Klarman, at one point New England's most generous donor to Republicans, is taking his money elsewhere: He's heaping cash on Democrats. They opted for Republicans to Democrats by a 14-point margin in March, up from a 5-point difference in January.

Seventy-eight percent of Americans and registered voters alike say it's important to them to support a candidate who shares their opinion on gun policy, including four in 10 who say it's "extremely" important.

President Donald Trump addresses the nation on the situation in Syria, April 13, 2018, at the White House in Washington.

The Monmouth poll the generic ballot asked voters if they would support or lean toward the Democratic or Republican candidate for the House if the election was held today.

The leading reason for the poor showing of Republicans in the poll is disapproval of President Donald Trump, followed by the recently enacted tax reform law, which most state residents say hurts them.

The totals represent 25 of the most competitive congressional races across the country, including 23 now held by Republicans, according to a Reuters review of the ratings of three independent political analysis groups: Cook Political Report, Inside Elections and the University of Virginia's Center for Politics. This contrasts with Post-ABC polling ahead of the 2010 and 2014 midterm cycles, when Republicans averaged a double-digit advantage in intentions to vote and Democrats suffered major losses in both years.

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The poll's vote share in the seven seats now held by Democrats - a 31 percentage point gap - is in line with the average 30-point advantage Democrats held in these districts in both 2016 and 2014.

Trump's approvals sunk to 35 percent four times during his presidency. Other polls are more split.

Some core constituencies for each party expressed tepid interest in turning out to vote in an off-year election, when many eligible voters typically stay home. Partisan divisions are 32-25-35 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents. In the Senate, the GOP advantage is slimmer, with 51 Republicans, 47 Democrats and two independents that caucus with the Democrats.

A smaller 31 percent say it is "extremely important" for congressional candidates to share their views aboutTrump, although more than half say this will be at least "very important". "What remains consistent is Democrats running untested and flawed candidates against proven Republican leaders across New Jersey".

Boston-area billionaire hedge fund manager Seth Klarman will now start funding mostly Democrats after a history of giving large donations to Republicans. "For the good of the country, the Democrats must take back one or both houses of Congress". Among Republicans, she is well-known and widely disliked, with 74 percent holding unfavorable views of her, 63 percent strongly.

The survey was conducted by telephone from April 6-10 with 703 New Jersey adults, including a subset of 632 registered voters. It had a margin of error plus or minus 3.7 percentage points for your complete sample and 3.9 percentage points for registered voters.

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