Erdogan: Turkey to welcome over 30M tourists in 2018

EU releases 2018 report on Turkey

EU releases 2018 report on Turkey

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday he would meet with the head of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), after Devlet Bahceli floated the prospect of an early election.

He then added some western powers think that they should interfere in Syria's internal affairs under any condition.

The two presidents exchanged views on settlement of the Syrian crisis, according to the message.

Bahceli's remarks came after the U.S., U.K., and France early Saturday launched airstrikes on alleged Assad regime chemical weapons facilities in Syria.

The strikes came after the Assad regime allegedly carried out a chemical attack in Douma, Syria, killing 78 civilians and injuring hundreds of others.

"Using chemical weapons is surely a crime against humanity".

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Total volume is the number of shares or deals that point towards the overall activity of a security or market for a given period. International Business Machines Corporation ( IBM ) formed H&S with $151.57 target or 4.00% below today's $157.89 share price.

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Social media users also criticised the opening ceremony for being too long and featuring too many speeches. Starr FM's Michael Insiah who secured an accreditation as shown on the list was unable to make the trip.

He stressed the importance of tripartite cooperation given the ongoing developments in the region and said the three countries should focus on efforts to reduce tensions in Syria and prevent Western interference.

The Turkish president said Iran, Turkey and Russian Federation will not allow any power to divide Syria.

The opposition party leader said: "Assad should be punished".

Erodgan, for his part, welcomed any move paving the way for expansion of ties between Turkey and Iran.

Rouhani said, "At a time that terrorists are suffering a defeat in Syria on a daily basis, such aggressive act certainly means support for these defeated groups".

He underlined that enhancing cooperation with Iran and Russian Federation is among his government's main priorities and added Syria's territorial integrity can be preserved only through a political solution.

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