European Central Bank to introduce 100-ball tournament

Michael Vaughan is scratching his head following the reveal of a new cricket format by the ECB

Michael Vaughan is scratching his head following the reveal of a new cricket format by the ECB

The ECB's Chief Executive Officer, Tom Harrison, believes that "this is a fresh and exciting idea" which will "appeal to a younger audience" and ultimately "attract new fans to the game".

The ECB claim that the format has broad support in their discussions to date but we wonder how many cricket fans have actually been engaged on the subject. We will continue to do that as the concept evolves.

"There are 18 First-Class Counties, playing red and white-ball cricket, and these Counties and competitions will be supported, promoted and benefit from the game's growth".

Additionally, the plan has received unanimous support from the newly established T20 board and those present at the Lords meeting.

The initiative gives the concept a clear distinction between the T20 Blast, which consists of all 18 counties and is expected to continue unaffected when the European Central Bank launches its new city-based extravaganza.

Southampton, Birmingham, Leeds, London, Manchester, Cardiff and Nottingham have been selected as venues for the five-week competition, which starts in 2020.

The person who has been chosen to be the MD for the new tournament, ECB Chief Commercial Officer Sanjay Patel said: "This is 100-ball cricket, a simple approach to reach a new generation".

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The format has changed the game of cricket, for better or worse, with batsmen developing new, inventive cricket shots, and bowlers developing skills like slower balls, bouncers and doosras which hadn't been seen before.

Curtailing 20 balls per innings will ensure that the match is finished in a three-hour window.

It will feature aligned competitions for both men's and women's teams, with the same format and team identities.

The England and Wales Cricket Board announces a new summer tournament created to attract broadcasters and younger fans to the sport.

This will be the biggest shake-up to the game since the incorporation of T20 cricket in 2003 and the European Central Bank hopes that it will add a "fresh tactical dimension" and offer "energy, excitement and simplicity".

The competition will run alongside T20 Blast, which is not expected to be affected by the new tournament.

"Kia Super League has had a huge impact on participation, player development and the profile of our game".

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