F. Gary Gray signs up to direct Hasbro's MASK

Hasbro's 'MASK' Getting Live-Action Film Franchise Directed by F. Gary Gray

Hasbro's 'MASK' Getting Live-Action Film Franchise Directed by F. Gary Gray

Looks like another classic toy line is going to get it's own film.

Hasbro and Paramount Pictures are pushing ahead with a live-action M.A.S.K. film, following the announcement that F. Gary Gray has been hired to direct the project. Most recently, Gray directed Straight Outta Compton and The Fate of the Furious, and is being tapped to direct Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth in a Men In Black spinoff.

It's very early days on the project as no cast has been revealed, even a writer is still needed to pen the screenplay. Allspark Pictures is now developing several film projects based on Hasbro-owned properties, including a G. M.A.S.K stands for Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, a task force led by Matt Trakker whose goal is to take out the criminal organization V.E.N.O.M. (Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem, of course). This film seems to be unrelated to the previously announced slate of projects between Hasbro and Paramount.

ConocoPhillips (COP) EPS Estimated At $0.70 on April, 26
Following the transaction, the senior vice president now owns 27,353 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,612,732.88. The ratio improved due to ConocoPhillips positioning: 42 sold and 534 reduced. 121 funds took stakes and 296 increased stakes.

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Univest Corp Of Pennsylvania holds 6.44% of its portfolio in Univest Corporation of Pennsylvania for 570,169 shares. Quincy Lee decreased its stake in Amerco (UHAL) by 58.34% based on its latest 2017Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC.

Moto G6 vs Moto G5: What's the difference?
Inside, the G6 features a Snapdragon 450 processor, the G6 Plus has a Snapdragon 630, and the G6 Play has a Snapdragon 430. Just a few days ago Honor released the Honor 7A and the Honor 7C, and, like the Moto G6 , the £140 7C has an 18:9 screen .

M.A.S.K. was developed by Kenner in 1985, along with an animated television series to help with toy merchandising.

Gray is now working on Sony's May 17, 2019 Men In Black spin-off, meaning that completion of this project is likely a while away.

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