Falcon 9 Second Stage Recovery Requires 'Giant Party Balloon'

SpaceX founder Elon Musk speaks at a press conference following the first launch of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral Florida US

SpaceX founder Elon Musk speaks at a press conference following the first launch of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral Florida US

Just a couple of decades ago, the notion of finding habitable planets - or any planets at all - was a mere fantasy, said Paul Hertz, astrophysics division director at NASA.

Two hours before Monday evening's scheduled launch, SpaceX announced it needed more time to check its rocket, which will carry the satellite to orbit. The MIT researchers behind the project expect to catalog thousands of new planets smaller than Neptune, and perhaps dozens comparable to Earth, which can then be studied with other instruments. Bigger and more powerful observatories of the future will scrutinize these prime candidates for potential signs of life.

Recovering the second stage of a rocket in addition to the first would allow SpaceX to reduce expenses and possibly reduce the price of launches.

SpaceX said extra time is needed to examine the Falcon 9 rocket's guidance, navigation and control system.

The Falcon 9 used in today's mission has never been launched before, though, if it lands successfully, it reportedly will be used in a future mission. The first step at the launch of carrier rockets of SpaceX regularly uses with 2017.

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On the NASA website, there will be a 30-minute show on Monday at 10 am EDT by the NASA EDGE team that will talk about the TESS spacecraft and the science of looking planets outside the solar system.

The Tess Satellite could mean leaps and bounds for space exploration.

An artist's rendition of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS.

Regular dips in the brightness of stars could indicate orbiting planets.

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