Fired FBI deputy chief facing criminal referral

McCabe report sent to US attorney for possible charges

Representatives with the Justice Department, inspector general's office and US attorney's office all declined to comment.

"Among the purposes of the disclosure was to rebut a narrative that had been developing ... that questioned McCabe's impartiality in overseeing FBI investigations involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton", according to the report.

The Justice Department inspector general has asked prosecutors in Washington, D.C., to examine whether former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe should face criminal charges. His firing was recommended by the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility, based on the inspector general's findings.

His former boss, James Comey, has read the IG's report and has defended McCabe in the past.

"Good people lie.... I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person, but the inspector general found that he lied, and there are severe consequences as there should be throughout the government".

The report - which quickly became public, though it was not released by the inspector general - laid out in stunning detail allegations McCabe had deceived investigators about his role in approving the disclosure, even as he lashed out at others in the Federal Bureau of Investigation for leaks.

"W$3 e concluded that McCabe's decision to confirm the existence of the [Clinton Foundation] Investigation through an anonymously sourced quote, recounting the content of a phone call with a senior Department official in a manner created to advance his personal interests at the expense of Department leadership, was clearly not within the public interest exception", the report said.

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Comey told NPR earlier this week that McCabe "thinks he told me he had done it (authorized the disclosure of the call to the WSJ) after he had done it". "I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person but the inspector general found he lied". "Mr. McCabe thought further about his discussion with the OIG investigators and realized that he needed to correct the record", they said in a "factsheet" distributed to reported.

The disclosure to the Journal was made "in a manner created to advance his personal interests at the expense of department leadership", the report said.

Inspector Basic Michael Horowitz's report mentioned McCabe approved the leak after which misled investigators about it, leaking in a manner that didn't fall underneath the "public curiosity" exception.

In other words, McCabe is being served up to the U.S. Attorney in Washington D.C. for criminal charges. "It is time people now have some liability for this type of behavior in the Justice Department", he said.

It absolutely was ruined by means of a desire to obtain who leaked to The Wall Street Journal at October 2016 though Comey might perhaps not need intentionally launched the analysis gunning for McCabe.

Horowitz discovered that he advised representatives he did not understand who was responsible and did not authorize the disclosure, and that McCabe lacked & ldquo; candor & rdquo; when contested on various occasions.

The U.S. Attorney's Office declined to comment. "Judicial Watch uncovered documents about McCabe's conflicted handling of the Clinton investigation that should have triggered action months ago".

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