For Honor's Training Mode Lands Today On All Platforms

For Honor training arena

For Honor training arena

For Honor's next update brings an all-new training mode, which arrives April 19.

The new mode will offer Apprentice Trials and Warrior Trials for both veterans and newcomers. A grading system offers feedback and measures progression.

Additionally, a Training Arena that "will give advanced players the opportunity to further flawless their mastery of the Art of Battle and customise their training experience by practicing against specific Heroes or move sets", is also included. The Training Arena will give advanced players the opportunity to further ideal their mastery of the Art of Battle and customize their training experience by practicing against specific Heroes or move sets.

You could argue that this mode should have shipped with the game, but let's look at the positives here... it's great to see that Ubisoft are constantly listening to their fans and continue to improve their games long after their initial release.

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The new training mode is part of the ongoing support of For Honor, which is now in its second year and recently added dedicated servers across all platforms in addition to a host of improvements and updates, including Hero rebalancing. Playing For Honor 1.0 is going to feel noticeably different from playing For Honor as it is today.

In the training arena, experienced players will be able to deepen their knowledge of the combat system "The Art of War" and work out actions against different heroes in certain situations.

For Honor is already available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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