Future Xbox Design In The Works, Perhaps? Interesting Job Listing Pops



During its press conference at last year's E3, Microsoft announced a complete overhaul for the Xbox Avatars that first made their debut in 2008 on the Xbox 360. However, now it's time to pay attention to its closest rival, Xbox. According to a new report from Windows Central, this Xbox Career system is still in active development.

Competing on Xbox Live, although it's not clear in what context, whether as part of Tournaments or general multiplayer games.

According to the job listing, they are looking for a candidate who will be the "primary technical focal point for existing and leading-edge memory technologies on future Xbox design projects".

Besides this, the Redmond-based tech innovator also hinted at the possible inclusion of the GDDR6 memory into the next Xbox console, the Xbox Two.

"The successful candidate will be the primary technical focal point for existing and leading-edge memory technologies on now shipping and future Xbox design projects", the listing continues.

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Neither Sony nor Microsoft has officially stated that they are moving ahead with the next generation of consoles, with both having been focused on getting the most out of their current-gen hardware. Further, the hired candidate's job responsibilities would include working within an internal team and partner teams for creating specifications, defining the system requirements for each type of memory, qualification and validation of the technology.

The job posting in question for a Sr. This is more than enough to keep the fans and experts guessing as to what Microsoft could be planning for the Xbox Two, considering we have already seen the powerful Xbox One X.

We'd hazard a guess that Crackdown 3 will be one of the major attractions at the presser, although a glimpse at the likes of Halo 6 or Gears of War 5 wouldn't be completely out of the question either.

But this week, members of ResetEra discovered a video on YouTube from a former Microsoft developer which gives a guided tour of the Xbox Avatar Editor that will presumably arrive on Xbox One and PC in the coming months. Best of all, they sync with your account.

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