Germany's Merkel to visit Trump later this month

Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel lay flowers at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel lay flowers at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that Russian Federation, as an ally of the Syrian government, bore joint responsibility for the chemical attack in eastern Ghouta earlier this month but she stressed she still meant to keep talking to President Vladimir Putin.

Following the accusations, the Syrian government has strongly denied being behind the alleged attack and stated that the missile strike was "brutal aggression".

Merkel's last visit, however, was marked by an awkward exchange where Trump seemed to ignore her request for a handshake during a photo opportunity in front of reporters.

Putin's remarks came during a phone call with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to the Kremlin.

Swiss National Bank Stake In Nextera Energy INC (NEE) Was Increased
ValuEngine upgraded Nextera Energy Partners from a "hold" rating to a "buy" rating in a research note on Monday, April 2nd. ANALYSTS VIEWS: The current analyst consensus rating clocked at 1.8 on company shares based on data provided from FINVIZ.

It's Tax Day. Are you Prepared?
Tuesday was the deadline for Americans who didn't file for extensions to have their 2017 tax returns submitted. That the president needs more time to do his taxes is one of the few things Americans know about them.

Ford Mustang Cobra Jet will be the most powerful version yet
That sounds mighty fast, and credit for that goes to the supercharged 5.2-liter Coyote V8 engine whose specs aren't available yet. Ford says the 2018 Mustang Cobra Jet will be non-VIN, so you won't be able to register it for on-road use.

The U.S., United Kingdom and France jointly launched strikes Friday night targeting the Syrian regime chemical weapons capabilities in retaliation for the suspected chemical attack that had killed dozens in eastern Ghouta.

"The two sides expressed willingness to facilitate the resumption of the political and diplomatic efforts on the Syrian dossier, including on the Geneva and Astana platforms, and continue bilateral contacts on the issue", the Kremlin stressed.

Critics say the pipeline would increase European dependence on Russian Federation for energy and enrich its state-owned energy companies at a time when Moscow stands accused of endangering European security through alleged election meddling and other actions.

Trump will host Merkel on April 27.

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