Global leaders seek to reignite fight against malaria

Commonwealth leaders urged to halve malaria

Commonwealth leaders urged to halve malaria

Commonwealth leaders attending the event, co-hosted by the governments of Rwanda, Swaziland and the United Kingdom, have pledged to halve malaria across member countries within the next five years.

There are hopes that significant commitments from governments, businesses and philanthropists will catalyse progress towards the goal of halving malaria.

United Kingdom funded research that supported the development of child-friendly malaria drugs has now been used for more than 350 million treatments in malaria-endemic countries.

Malaria is present in almost 100 countries across the world.

"India is central to this achievement (eradication of malaria from Commonwealth countries)".

Business Wire IndiaToday, the global malaria community will urge Commonwealth leaders to make a game-changing commitment to halve malaria across the Commonwealth within the next five years.

"All too often, young people receive only the most basic education before being forced out of school through discrimination, poverty or simply the expectations of society". The Malaria Summit is being held to galvanise renewed action on the disease as progress has stalled. "And if we really target the high-burden areas and get these new tools out, get a little more resources behind this fight, we can get it all the way down to 200,000 deaths a year". "If we don't maintain the commitments that we are making here today, malaria would go back and kill over a million children a year, because the drugs and the insecticides always are evaded by the mosquito and the parasite".

The statement said the new commitments focuses on three important areas to accelerate the fight against resurgence of the disease.

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The UK Government has re-affirmed its commitment to spend £500 million a year on malaria through to 2020-21. This is a match fund which leverages support from the private sector, giving an additional boost to the fight against the disease.

The Gates Foundation will invest $1 billion through 2023 to fund research and development efforts to end malaria. As part of the announcement, the Gates Foundation also pledged £50 million in matching funds against the UK's £100 million commitment to the Global Fund announced by Prime Minister May yesterday.

Pharmaceutical firms GSK and Novartis also increased investment into malaria research and development - of £175 million ($250 million) and US$100 million (RM390 million) respectively, and five agrichemical companies launched a joint initiative to speed up development of new ways to control mosquitoes.

Malaria is included as an issue in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London on April 19-20, which will be attended by Modi. "We are now on a cliff edge - continue to battle the disease or risk an acute and deadly resurgence".

A total of 24 members of the Commonwealth are actively tackling the disease, 20 have eliminated malaria and eight have never had malaria.

As the disease and its victims grow resistant to traditional treatments and preventive measures and the numbers of global malaria cases shooting up for the first time in 2017, end malaria advocates are intensifying their call for private sector involvement in innovation and provision of research and development resources. We are the second largest global funder in the world and invest in treatment, prevention and research, including fighting against the threat of drug resistance. "We hope today marks a turning point against the disease, and that the Commonwealth takes a leading role in saving lives and ending malaria for good".

James Whiting, Executive Director of Malaria No More UK who are the Summit organisers, said; "It's exciting to see the UK and the Commonwealth stepping up".

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