Gopher tortoise found painted red in Central FL

Gopher tortoise found spray painted red near Montverde, FWC investigating

Gopher tortoise found spray painted red near Montverde, FWC investigating

Volunteers have been working to gently chip away the concrete and get the red paint off of the tortoise all week.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is offering a reward for information after a gopher tortoise was found completely covered in red spray paint with concrete on its limbs in Lake County.

Kim said people painting tortoises and turtles is actually a common problem she and other wildlife experts see.

"We don't want the chemicals to continue to sink in", she said.

She said they've all but ruled out the possibility that the tortoise fell into the paint because the paint is only on his surface, and it's not found in any crevices.

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On Wednesday, she mentioned she's a lot of the way in which there, however, she stated a few of it could need to flake off.

She said she believes this was intentional. "The amount he had and the thickness of it was just incredible".

The gopher tortoise, which is a threatened and protected species, is now being rehabilitated.

She stated if her staff at Swamp Girls Adventures and she saw him they realized they needed to do something.

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