Governor Greitens files restraining order against Attorney General Hawley

Gov. Greitens asks court to issue restraining order against AG Hawley | The Kansas City Star

Gov. Greitens asks court to issue restraining order against AG Hawley | The Kansas City Star

Gov. Eric Greitens' attorneys have asked a Cole County judge to issue a restraining order blocking Attorney General Josh Hawley from investigating the governor. The court documents were made public on Wednesday.

"AG Hawley must recuse himself and his entire office from any investigation or prosecution related to Gov. Greitens or the Governor's Office", the motion reads.

ABC 17 previously reported that Hawley asked for Greitens to step down as governor after a report alleged that there was sexual misconduct during the governor's affair. Hawley said Greitens obtained a list of donors, used the list and transmitted the list without the donor's permission.

Hawley has allegedly predetermined the guilt of his own investigative target and the investigation is now compromised.

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Online court records indicate it was filed on April 16 in Jefferson City, MO.

Greitens lawyers claim that Hawley has a personal interest in the resignation, impeachment, and prosecution of the governor.

The filing also requests the appointment of an independent prosecutor to take over the attorney general's investigation into the Greitens" ties with "The Mission Continues'.

The Mission Continues investigation will continue and Hawley said his office "will not be intimidated or deterred from doing their job".

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