Historic Transition Time In Cuba As Raul Castro Prepares For Successor

Diaz-Canel sole candidate to succeed Raul Castro

Diaz-Canel sole candidate to succeed Raul Castro

Cuba's legislature has opened a two-day session that is to elect a successor to President Raul Castro. Also a stalwart of the ruling Communist Party, he is considered a safe bet to inherit the ideological mantle of Castro and other elderly leaders who helped Fidel Castro oust USA -backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, 60, is expected to get a senior role in the new government, after helping to nurture the detente reached with former U.S. President Barack Obama in 2014, and renewing Cuba's traditional defiance toward Washington after Trump shifted policies.

Cuba has announced the slate of candidates for six vice presidents on its powerful Council of State.

Díaz-Canel has promised to continuity in Cuba and remain close to the course set by the Castro brothers.

The economy is suffering the effects of a crisis in oil benefactor Venezuela.

It started with an oath of office read by Leydimara de la Caridad Cardenas Isasi, who at 19 is the youngest member of the more than 600 members of the National Assembly of People's Power.

"They are changing the government, but it's still the same kind, it's always going to be influenced by the Castros".

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The 86-year-old Castro will remain head of the Communist Party, designated by the constitution as "the superior guiding force of society and the state".

Retiree Raul Garcia, 79, said: "They say that Raul is leaving the presidency, and that another, younger, man will come". "Raul is finished and Fidel is history".

As if to underscore a sense of continuity, the authorities are not planning a special ceremony for the assembly vote.

The accounts are using the hashtag "Somos Continuidad" or "We are continuity". "The triumphant march of the revolution will continue", said Diaz-Canel after voting in last month's assembly elections. Commentators on state television and online offered lengthy explanations of why Cuba's single-party politics and socialist economy are superior to multi-party democracy and free markets, and assured Cubans that no fundamental changes were occurring, despite some new faces at the top.

The virtually certain unanimous approval of the National Assembly will install someone from outside the Castro family in the country's highest government office for the first time in almost six decades.

Miguel Diaz-Canel was proposed in Cuba's parliament on Wednesday as the sole candidate to replace Raul Castro as president, which will make him the island's first non-Castro leader since the 1959 revolution.

That image has begun to change slightly this year as Diaz-Canel stepped into the moderate limelight offered by Cuba's Soviet-style state media.

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