IDF Artillery Fires at Gaza Border Fence Infiltrators Wounding 5

Both sides have been trading violence over the past few weeks, but one of the most pronounced atrocities was the steep rise of Palestinian casualties, caused by Israeli snipers.

This "march"-a series of demonstrations that began on 30 March and that are meant to continue until mid-May-is neither a grassroots campaign against "occupation" nor a demand for amelioration of the admittedly hard living conditions in Gaza, as some have implied".

The rallies are part of a planned six-week border protest that will culminate on May 15.

In 2017, Palestinian Prisoners Day marked the first day of a mass hunger strike by 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.

Israeli forces used teargas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters, dozens of whom suffered from excessive teargas inhalation.

The region that is now Israel and Palestine was initially settled by Palestinians, who had always been struggling under the British Empire's imperialistic mandates. The live fire injured an additional 1,000 Palestinians. IDF emergency vehicles are visible in the background when they reach the area.

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Cleveland Peace Action condemns the premeditated murder and violence by Israeli snipers against Palestinians marching non-violently inside their tiny walled-in Gazan ghetto and seeking their "Right of Return" under global law.

"And they plan to escalate their protests further if the Israeli authorities fail to end the administrative detention policy", he added. Currently, 6,500Palestinians are imprisoned by Israel, including 300 children, 56 women, 13 parliamentarians, and 28 journalists.

The Ministry also confirms its unwavering support to the Palestinian detainees in Israeli administrative detention and their boycott of the Israeli military courts and their unlawful procedures.

Of these, seven were shot, 72 were tortured to death and 59 died due to a lack of medical attention. The number represents 20 percent of the Palestinians population.

Perhaps, at the conclusion of the latest theatre along the Gaza borders, more Palestinians will recognise that Israel is permanent.

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