Inter-Korean summit should aim for peace treaty, says minister

Top Office Opens Online Platform on Inter Korean Summit

Top Office Opens Online Platform on Inter Korean Summit

North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in are scheduled to meet April 27 in Panmunjon, a border village, in the third-ever summit of leaders from the two Koreas.

The peninsula remains bisected in a perpetual stalemate, with the US -backed South Korean military lined up against more than a million North Korean troops. The 2 leaders have agreed to hold their first conversation using the link before their meeting.

"Even though our special envoys confirmed his denuclearization will, it is entirely different if the two leaders confirm it directly among themselves and put that into text", Moon's chief of staff, Im Jong-seok, told reporters. It conducted its most powerful nuclear test previous year and has sought to develop a missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. -North Korea summit to discuss issues arising from the talks.

"If they can agree on the principle that the two sides will co-operate to denuclearise the Korean peninsula and establish permanent peace, we can call it a success", Prof Yang added. "We should improve the frozen inter-Korean relations", Kim said in the televised address, "and glorify this meaningful year as an eventful one, noteworthy in the history of the nation".

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un likely chose to put his nuclear weapons program up for negotiation to win outside rewards so he can improve his country's economy, win public trust at home and prolong his leadership, a special adviser to the South Korean president said Tuesday.

One noteworthy comment from Kim to the South Korean special envoys last month was that he wished to be "taken seriously" during his talks with Moon and Trump. It also wants to strengthen ties with the United States ahead of the country's planned meeting with the North.

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UN Security Council sanctions imposed since North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006 and strengthened over the past decade aim to cut North Korea off from global trade.

A successful Moon-Kim summit could help pave the way for the Trump-Kim meeting, which would be the first between a sitting US president and a North Korean leader.

Im revealed that a direct phone link between Moon and Kim will likely be set up on Friday.

Discussions are underway about live coverage of part of the meeting, Im said.

North Korea and the rich, democratic South are technically still at war because their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty.

The comments by culture minister Do Jong-whan came as the country's conservative newspaper Munwha Ilbo said the two Koreas were discussing plans to announce an official end to the military conflict on the peninsula.

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