IOS 11.4 iPad and iPhone public beta now available

IOS 11.4 iPad and iPhone public beta now available

IOS 11.4 iPad and iPhone public beta now available

Developers received a new batch of beta updates this morning, including the second beta build of iOS 11.4.

The first public beta version of the iOS 11.4 was made available to software developers and qualified testers earlier this April.

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The new build brings a number of new features to the iPhone and iPad, including some that were pulled from iOS 11.3, like AirPlay 2 and Messages on iCloud. - AirPlay 2 will also allow HomePod owners to connect two speakers together, either for simultaneous audio playback or individual when placing the speakers around the home. Multi-room streaming for Apple TV is supported here, but you need the corresponding software on both devices for it to work. The HomePod stereo pairing update was also included in the beta version of iOS 11.4, but this feature can not be fully tested yet until the main HomePod update for the iOS devices is released. Apple is smoothing out the edges and refining the update before releasing it to all devices. We'll show you how anyone can download it right now. It most likely contains under-the-hood fixes.

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