Iran Leader Calls US-Led Strike 'Military Crime'

Also responding to the attacks, Iran warned of "regional consequences", the AFP reported.

Meanwhile, the Russian army said Syrian air defense units downed 71 out of 103 cruise missiles launched by the US and its allies, and that the Russian Air Force is "combat-alert".

"The U.S., a country with the largest arsenal of chemical weapons, has no moral right to blame other countries", he said, adding that the attacks were a threat to Moscow. "They've lost a lot of equipment".

"More than 100 cruise missiles and air-to-land missiles were fired by the US, Britain and France from the sea and air at Syrian military and civilian targets", the ministry said in a statement quoted by RIA Novosti news agency. "I firmly declare that the US president, the president of France, and the prime minister of Britain have committed a major crime", the official website of the Leader quoted him as saying.

"Despite the involvement of numerous large worldwide banks in past large-scale sanctions violations no banker other than Mr. Atilla has ever been charged for such conduct, much less sent to prison", Atilla's lawyers said in the latter.

On Saturday, the UN Security Council rejected a resolution put forward by Russian Federation condemning the strikes by the US, Britain, and France. At an 11 a.m. Security Council meeting Saturday, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged nations "to show restraint in these risky circumstances and to avoid any acts that could escalate matters and worsen the suffering of the Syrian people".

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Beatty, Auerbach, and Rick Dumont all said that they thought the district's needs could be met with $105 million in spending. Goewey said she is also setting aside some money in the budget to make school safety improvements.

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The paper added that Russian Federation, after the tripartite aggression, would provide Syria with more sophisticated air defense systems, considering that this would threaten the Zionist warplanes flying over Lebanon.

On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that the Iranian drone had been weaponized and was sent to attack Israel.

The US and its European allies chose three targets instead of the single air base hit a year ago and used twice as many weapons.

Speaking via satellite link to his supporters in Beirut Friday, Nasrallah called the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma "theater". He criticized the U.S, Britain and France for declining to wait until after the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons completes its own investigation there.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also spoke with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday and emphasised that the steps made by USA and its allies grossly breach the UN Charter and principles of worldwide law.

This article has been adapted from its original source.

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