Iranian drone launched from Syria was on attack mission, Israel says

Iranian drone launched from Syria was on attack mission, Israel says

Iranian drone launched from Syria was on attack mission, Israel says

Both Russia and the Syrian regime accused Israel of being behind the strike but the Israeli military has refused to confirm or deny its involvement, as is its practice with almost all operations in Syria.

"Israel will react strongly to any Iranian action from inside Syria", a senior IDF source told Sky News in Arabic, adding that Iran plans to attack Israel from Syria and gain control of the Arab state though its air force.

Seven Iranian military advisers, including one colonel, were killed in the airstrike.

On Tuesday, Syrian aerial defense systems activated in what was initially believed to be strikes on two Syrian air bases, but which Syria later admitted was triggered by an Israeli and American cyberattack on Syrian radar systems.

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Senior Iranian officials have promised revenge for the T4 strike.

In the phone call that was made on Sunday, Dr Hassan Rouhani described the recent attack by the United States, the United Kingdom and France on Syria under the pretext of the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons as an act of aggression and aimed at lifting the spirit of the defeated terrorists, saying: "If aggression and blatant violation of worldwide laws become possible easily and without paying any price by the perpetrators, we will witness new instabilities at global and regional stages". Ali Akbar Velayati, a top advisor to Iran's supreme leader, said the attack "will not remain without a response".

"Israel's defence establishment understands that the Revolutionary Guard is most likely to be the designated unit that will try to wage an attack against Israel", an official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Israel released satellite images yesterday of Iranian bases in Syria, a clear warning to its old enemy as both are drawn deeper into the Syrian conflict.

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