Israel@70: Reform Movement Recommits to Palestine

Israeli soldiers stand in formation during a ceremony to mark the annual Memorial Day for Israel's fallen soldiers and terror victims at the Western Wall the holiest site where Jews can pray Tuesday

Israeli soldiers stand in formation during a ceremony to mark the annual Memorial Day for Israel's fallen soldiers and terror victims at the Western Wall the holiest site where Jews can pray Tuesday

How will expressing my opinion make not just Israeli leaders with whom I interact feel, but how will the average Israeli respond to someone 7,000 miles away, sitting comfortably in the safety of their home or office in America, inserting themselves into the often intense debate over this hard issue here in Israel? The Zionist dream has been fulfilled with the ingathering of Jews who sought refuge and fulfillment in a land holy to our people, and is continually renewed by ongoing technological, medical, and economic miracles. They now have a defendant whose support will be constant, whose backing will not depend on bribes, oil, or politics.

The President concluded by saying, "Thank you for coming to celebrate with us today, in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years, and today, the capital of the State of Israel".

Last week, the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) published a summary of its recommendations based on a yearlong dialogue in which hundreds of Jews around the world participated. We can not allow the third commonwealth to fail because of political differences.

In 1967, Israel's existence was again threatened by Arab armies. We must forget party lines in a concerted effort to smash these aggressors. Contact the agencies set up for these purposes and sign up to do your part for our victory. We will not yield in our pledge to strengthen our ties to the Jewish state and to be strengthened by her. It is considered one of Israel's highest honors. In other words: We Israelis live here and will die if necessary; you American Jews might care for us, but you don't have real skin in the game.

Our sages tell us that 70 is the age of wisdom, but in the life of a nation, 70 is still infancy.

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Comey memo: Trump frets over Flynn's 'judgement issues'
Days later, Trump's chief of staff asked if Flynn's communications were being monitored under a secret surveillance warrant. The chairman issued a statement late Thursday saying the memos show that Comey clearly never felt obstructed or threatened.

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How wonderful is that? In exchange, you'll get a 20 percent off coupon for a new vehicle seat or stroller at Target. The program, started in 2016, has recycled 176,000 vehicle seats, according to a Target fact sheet on the program .

They are likely to escalate around May 14, when the United States is expected to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

" When the Lord restores the fortunes of Zion-we see it as in a dream".

As Yeshiva students, we are bound to see the events of the past half-decade with thankfulness and misgivings. Although the president himself did not attend, his vice president and his United Nations ambassador did, and while both gave strong, considered speeches, they could have read the phone book in front of the powerhouse pro-Israel lobby's crowd and still received standing ovations. The Divine in history was seldom more apparent.

Henry Flescher is a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor who made the trip. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which controls Gaza, remain more combatants than allies, and the PA is refusing to come to the table, insisting that the too pro-Israel to be an honest broker.

Independence Day - which began at sundown Wednesday in accordance with the Jewish calendar - is an occasion for celebration in Israel.

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