Jacksonville city inspector posts apology after military flag controversy

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Power went into the store Monday and issued a written warning citation because she said military flags flying on the roof were in violation of city code. An employee told First Coast News that the mayor's office dropped the citations and the business is allowed to continue flying the flags. The rooftop display also includes two United States flags and a Jacksonville Jaguars flag.

"We cater to our men and women, both retired and active military, so it was personal".

"I am so amazed at the amount of support.", said Marcy, another manager.

The verbal altercation happened after the warning upset the customer. That customer is a military veteran who thought it was wrong to force store managers to take down the military flags.

That touched off a tense exchange involving the city inspector and the customer.

"She turned around at the door and said to me, in a very loud voice that, what I did for this country did not matter", he told FOX 30.

She said after that, tempers flared, and she admitted: "I should never have been unprofessional and disrespectful period". Watch the video here.

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Mayor Lenny Curry directed city staff that military flags should be treated the same as the USA flag, the Florida Times-Union reported. He added that employees of the county are expected to be respectful and that employee procedures will be reviewed.

The veteran said he doesn't want the city worker fired, but doesn't want the incident to happen to any other person.

The store manager for Jaguar Power Sports, a motorcycle dealership at 4680 Blanding Blvd., posted a rant to social media Monday afternoon.

On Tuesday, the mayor announced that Power and her supervisor have been placed on administrative leave.

Employees of the City of Jacksonville are the servants of taxpayers who have a duty to enforce our laws and regulations.

"They told us to take them down or go to court over it". What I saw reported is 100 percent inconsistent with how I expect every city employee to interact with our citizens.

Her alleged comments were under review, the station reported. We are also reviewing the current ordinances regarding flags and signs to ensure accurate information was shared. "My team is working with the city's Office of General Counsel to bring clarity to the relevant city laws".

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