James Comey describes Donald Trump as a 'stain' in long-awaited TV interview

Donald Trump James Comey

Donald Trump James Comey

"To the truth", he said. Comey's publisher printed 850,000 copies to meet the expected demand from buyers.

Comey said he doesn't "buy" into speculation that Trump is "medically unfit" to be president, but rather condemned the president's ethics largely due to his handling of Charlottesville and, as Comey put it, his treatment of women "like they're pieces of meat".

Gowdy, along with Nunes - the chairman of the Intelligence Committee - and Goodlatte - the chairman of the Judiciary Committee - have been conducting investigations into allegations of political bias at DOJ in the handling of the Clinton and Russian Federation probes. And you may come out thinking, "I'd've done it differently", but I don't think you'll come out thinking that-as Hillary Clinton wrote in her book, I shived her.

Watch part of Comey's interview on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" in the video above.

He also says there is "some evidence of obstruction of justice" in the president's actions and that Trump is "morally unfit" for office. There were no tweets from the president immediately following the hour-long broadcast, during which Comey called Mr. Trump a serial liar and even remarked on his personal appearance. "I confess, I stared at it pretty closely and my reaction was, 'It most take a heck of a lot of time in the morning, but it's impressively coifed'".

"I did not go into the business about people peeing on each other", he said.

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"I admire LeBron James", Comey said in a live interview.

Still, Comey went on to say that the decision to include the descriptions has been a "distraction". It's not normal. It's not acceptable. "There's a danger that we will become numb to it, and we will stop noticing the threats to our norms".

The conversation moved quickly and culminated in a lightning round of questions. But on the off chance you're still reading, let's just keep this non-political and note that regardless of what you think of LeBron James, you could pick worse role models than a guy who's been the best player in his chosen profession for 15 years and continues to work to get better. Colbert replied. "I don't know if you've dealt with mob bosses before, but they don't like to be investigated".

"No FBI director has ever played such a consequential role in a presidential election".

If ABC News' Sunday night special about James Comey felt condensed, that's because almost five hours of interview was compressed into an hour-long program. Others, like former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, have denounced Comey for leaking memos about his discussions with Trump. "Is it invisibility or flight?" and "Are you a cop?" "And so now Judicial Watch is asking questions about whether James Comey is getting special treatment from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use these ill-gotten Federal Bureau of Investigation documents in his book", stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Colbert's relentless mockery of the Trump administration has helped him top his rivals in TV ratings by a sizable margin. An audience member on Tuesday asked him ahead of the taping if he could have any job in the Trump White House, which one would he want. Show the reader that room.' So I talk about being struck by how skinny President Obama is. "Just nothing in HR".

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