Jewish man wearing kippah assaulted on Berlin street

Berlin Jewish teen Adam Armush right interviewed by Kan's European correspondent Antonia Yamin in Berlin

Berlin Jewish teen Adam Armush right interviewed by Kan's European correspondent Antonia Yamin in Berlin

During the attack, the assailant lashed the kippah-clad Jewish man with his belt and repeated the Arabic word for Jew, "Yahudi".

The incident took place at the Helmholtzplatz, a public park in southern Berlin, near Mr Armush's home.

A young Jewish teen was attacked by a Muslim man in Berlin on Tuesday. "Jews must never again feel threatened here".

Foreign minister Heiko Maas said Germany "bears a responsibility to protect Jewish life", more than 70 years after the end of the Holocaust, in which the Nazis murdered six-million European Jews.

Israel's Kan public broadcaster located the teen, Adam Armush, and interviewed him near his home in Prenzlauer Berg.

Berlin police said the two victims were 21 and 24 years old but didn't identify them by name.

"They kept cursing us and my friend asked them to stop cursing", Armoush told Kan TV. "That's when they got angry", he explained.

The incident showed that "Jewish people are not safe here either", Salomon added.

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The most important aspect is as per our request, the government has ordered all the theatres to go fully transparent from 1 June. April 27 will see the release of three new Tamil films. "The announcement about film releases will be made by the evening".

"I hope the police will be able to find the attackers soon - the police were very responsive".

"It makes me angry when I see such hateful violence", Aiman Mazyek of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany said. He reported being verbally attacked by three men; after the belt came out, one of the attacker's companions intervened and the three began to move away.

Armoush then lifts up his shirt on the video and shows bruises left by the belt. Armoush did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press. The focus is also on the OPCW in Syria on Wednesday, as it's due to start a probe on the alleged chemical attack in the city of Douma.

"People in Berlin are confronted with anti-Semitism on a daily basis, project director Benjamin Steinitz said in a statement accompanying the report".

Anti-Semitic incidents have been on the rise across Germany.

Earlier this month, Germany appointed a diplomat to coordinate government activities against anti-Semitism.

According to the RIAS group, some 947 anti-Semitic incidents including 18 attacks and 23 threats were documented in Berlin past year.

Frank Jordans in Berlin, Joseph Federman and Aron Heller in Jerusalem contributed reporting.

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