Last body of Thottapilly family found

Last body of Thottapilly family found

Last body of Thottapilly family found

Searchers located the auto Sunday in the Eel River and recovered the bodies of Sandeep Thottapilly, 41, and Saachi Thottapilly, 9, the Mendocino County sheriff's office said in a statement. Divers returned to the rain-swollen waters Monday and found the body of 12-year-old Siddhant Thottapilly about 6 miles north of the crash site, which is downstream, officials said. Their disappearance coincided with reports that a vehicle had sunk into the Eel River in Northern California. Autopsies will be performed on all three victims April 17.

The Mendocino Sheriff took to the social media to provide an update about the incident. The searchers began to probe the water and located a vehicle submerged approximately 4-6 feet beneath the water, according to van Patten. "Visibility was extremely poor and divers noted the vehicle was encased in a large amount of sediment from the river current", the statement said. About 6:30 p.m. a tow truck was able to partially pull the vehicle out and the bodies were found.

The search team on board a boat had smelt gas below them Sunday, April 15. The rescue teams had earlier last week found the body of a woman, who was identified as Soumya, and remains of the vehicle and the belongings of the Thottapilly family.

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The body of his wife, 38-year-old Soumya, was recovered the day before.

The son, Siddhant, continues to be missing and rescue efforts are on to trace him. As many as 21 water searchers, including two jet ski teams, two boat teams and many kayak teams, were looking through the waters. Crews partially removed the auto with a tow truck and recovered the bodies, the sheriff's office said.

Sandeep Thottapilly's parents, Babu Subramanium Thottapilly and Rama, are preparing to leave for the US, according to a report in the Hindustan Times. They were reported missing on April 8 when they failed to show up for a visit to their relatives' place in San Jose. Responding to his message, Swaraj said: "I am in constant touch with our consulate in San Francisco".

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