Last of Queen's homebred dynasty of corgis dies

"It the end of an era": The Queen's last corgi has died and she is reportedly "heartbroken"

The Queen's final remaining corgi has died from a cancer-related illness.

Willow was introduced to the royal family by the Queen's father, King George VI, and was her last link to her parents.

"It really does feel like the end of an era". "She does not like seeing her dogs suffer and she knows that sometimes putting a dog down is the kindest course of action - although that doesn't make her loss any less", the source said.

The Queen made the choice to end the dog's suffering, ending the British monarch's association with the breed dating back eight decades, according to United Kingdom media reports.

It's understood The Queen didn't want Willow, who was nearly 15, to suffer any further.

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A courtier at the palace declared that the pet "represents a significant thread running through the Queen's life". Willow was one of four dogs at the time who featured in a picture with her, taken on steps in the grounds of Windsor castle.

A headstone will be used to display Willow's name.

Willow, her final corgi, turned out to be a close companion of the monarch and was even included in the portrait marking the Queen's 90th birthday.

In 2015, it emerged that the Queen had stopped breeding Pembroke Welsh corgis because of fears she might trip over and hurt herself.

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