LEGO Incredibles Trailer Spotlights The Parr Family And Their Powers

Watch the First Gameplay Trailer for LEGO The Incredibles

Watch the First Gameplay Trailer for LEGO The Incredibles

Check out the brand new footage above to get your first look at the game in action. You can assemble incredible LEGO builds either on your own or team up with family and friends in two-player co-op mode for twice the fun. The developer has delivered family friendly LEGO games based on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Avengers, the broader Marvel universe, and more.

At the time of the announcement of the game, Tom Stone - Managing Director of TT Games Publishing - was excited about the pairing.

LEGO The Incredibles will launch July 15 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Switch.

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In the video, fans will discover each of the Parr Family's fantastic powers, including Elastigirl's flexible transformations, Mr. Utilizing Mr. Incredible's strength, Elastigirl's elasticity, Violet's forcefields, and Dash's speed in order to solve puzzles and complete challenges.

As you were likely expecting, LEGO The Incredibles showcases a whole host of different powers you'll come to wield as each member of the Parr family.

While, at its core, LEGO The Incredibles plays out like the other standard action-adventure LEGO games, the Parr family's powers do spice things up. Today, the first gameplay trailer for the game was released, and it mainly highlights the Parr family and what they can do.

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