Madhavi Latha goes for 'mouna deekha' for Pawan Kalyan

Jeevitha Rajasekhar Leaks Sri Reddy's Video; Asks, 'Can You Believe She Was Sexually Exploited?'

Jeevitha Rajasekhar Leaks Sri Reddy's Video; Asks, 'Can You Believe She Was Sexually Exploited?'

Since the police feared the issue may go out of control, they swung into action without delay. "Pawan Kalyan ma*****od", she lashed out and raised her middle finger, emphatically, Arjun Reddy-style! Madhavi Latha Protest According to reports, Madhavi Latha announced that she is going to do a silent protest for two hours in front of Film Chamber against Sri Reddy for making degrading comments on Pawan Kalyan. The heroine who posted a series of postings in social media on the detention of the police made it clear that she would continue to remain in the police station. In this video she explained her program tomorrow and the reasons behind the program. "At the sametime, I have nothing against TDP as well", Sri Reddy said.

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Despite being rattled by the threats, Sri Reddy nonetheless put up a courageous face and sent out a strong message to the actor-politician and his fans. She further added, "If he can't stop them, I will take legal action against him, and not his fans". Naga Babu didn't approve of Sri Reddy's abusive language for his brother Pawan Kalyan and said that the power star knew abuses would be hurled against him and he was ready to face it he is strong. Activist Sajaya Kakarla of Women's JAC, echoed Sri Reddy's thoughts. "He must realise he is a politician now, he can't feign innocence and disassociate from his fans". She explained that she was in pain and said this apology was only for Pawan Kalyan's mother, nobody else. But when we protest about our harassment and speak up, he says go to the police. "I will not apologise to Pawan Kalyan (for abusing him). respect is a two-way street".

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