May accuses Corbyn of allowing antisemitism to flourish

Newly arrived Jamaican immigrants on board the'Empire Windrush at Tilbury on 22 June 1948

Newly arrived Jamaican immigrants on board the'Empire Windrush at Tilbury on 22 June 1948

Speaking separately from Mr Corbyn at an event launching Labour's housing proposals, London Mayor Sadiq Khan acknowledged that some Jewish people "don't feel comfortable with the Labour Party" and called for "tough" action against anti-Semites.

Corbynistas suggested she was exaggerating the scale of abuse faced by Jewish people - Fazlul Karim asked her: "Can you give us some authentic examples of anti-Semitic behaviour you faced from Labour Party please?!"

The Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council are, respectively, the democratically-elected representative body of Anglo-Jewry and the umbrella organization for the major British Jewish organizations.

Parliamentarians from other parties also showed their support, Conservative Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said Corbyn demonstrating "deeply worrying lack of leadership and moral clarity".

The Prime Minister easily fended off the Labour leader's question about whether she had signed off the decision to destroy the documents by countering that it had been made in 2009 under a Labour government. "Anti-racism is one of our central values and there was a time not long ago when the left actively confronted anti-Semitism".

Mr Williamson - who maintained that he abhors antisemitism - responded: "It's a matter for due process in the Labour Party".

Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger said she has been targeted by anti-Semitic statements, noting that little had been done to combat the phenomenon in the party.

She received a standing ovation for her speech.

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Several Labour lawmakers called for the expulsion of supporters such as former London mayor Ken Livingstone, after he was suspended past year for saying Adolf Hitler had supported Zionism. There's been plenty of opportunity to deal with it. "Kick him out immediately", he said. "If they do not take them up, we will know they are not serious about tackling anti-Semitism".

And many told of the abuse they received for daring to speak out.

Javid suggested that antisemitism within Labour ranks had increased since Corbyn had taken over as leader.

The three-hour session had been called by the Conservative Party following protests by British Jews against Labour's handling of anti-Semtisim accusations, but was replete with furious speeches from Labour MPs warning that the problem was worse than perceived.

"Nor can we ignore the fact that this increasing concern has correlated with the current leader of the opposition, and the waves of activists that have come with him".

Following a suggestion from TUSC some local Labour Party members are proposing to put out a leaflet supporting the TUSC candidate.

He said it was not enough that the party had adopted the Holocaust Education Trust's definition of antisemitism and written the party's outright opposition to it into its rule book.

They also mocked the Jewish women for getting tearful in the Commons - and described the anti-Semitism scandal as a "false flag".

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