McConnell Won't Allow a Vote on Bill to Protect Mueller

McConnell gives Trump the green light, says he won't allow vote on bill to protect Mueller

McConnell gives Trump the green light, says he won't allow vote on bill to protect Mueller

But the only indications McConnell will accept as valid will apparently be the actual firing of Mueller, at which point it will be too late to do anything, and McConnell will urge the country to trust Trump's new attorney general, Sean Hannity, or whoever.

"The president has made it clear as recently as I think three weeks ago - he has no intention of firing Mr Mueller, and he shouldn't", Stewart said. We'll see what happens. In no small part due to the bill being filed by the Senate majority leader, it has been fast-tracked past the committee process and directly to the Senate floor.

Nevertheless, McConnell's sentiment is echoed by many of his fellow Senate Republicans. Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, left rear, and Sen. "I don't think the president's going to do that, and just as a practical matter, even if we passed it, why would he sign it?" Collins, R-Maine, told ABC This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos on Sunday.

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Grassley was among those raising constitutional concerns.

"While I'm glad the majority leader believes the President would be wrong to fire Special Counsel Mueller, it's a mistake not to pass legislation to protect the investigation", he said in a statement. Chris Coons of DE and Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, a Republican, announced that his committee would vote on the bill. "The reality here is that there are stronger and stronger signals that this President -who has acted in an abrupt and unconventional and untraditional and unwise way - may very well do exactly the same against Bob Mueller and it would be wise for us to take it up and consider it". Nevertheless, when the bipartisan quartet of senators behind the measures struck a compromise deal last week, Grassley was quick to promise their bill time in the Judiciary committee - and even propose an amendment of his own to give Congress an additional backup option to better review an order to fire a special counsel, even if the courts strike down the specific judicial review procedure outlined in the measure.

Representative Mark Meadows, the head of the hard-right Republican Freedom Caucus, who frequently speaks with White House officials, told Fox News on Tuesday he thought a rescission package of $10 billion to $15 billion "has a chance".

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