Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child Engaged to Pastor Chad Johnson

Michelle Williams and Chad Johnson

Michelle Williams and Chad Johnson

Former Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams is engaged.

Destiny's Child singer Michelle Williams is about to enter the next chapter in her life - marriage!

The two met one year ago at a spiritual retreat in Arizona run by Johnson. And the day after we got engaged, Chad was like, 'Okay, we gotta pick the wedding date!

Williams confirmed news of her engagement in a tweet Thursday. Johnson said it was in that moment that he knew she was "the one". "I just needed to go somewhere where I could get a message of hope and restoration, rejuvenation - get connected to God".

"It's gonna be very traditional", he added. "We're doing black-tie. We want it to be small and intimate and very private".

While the singer is over the moon to share that she will soon be walking down the aisle, the 37-year-old wasn't always so forthcoming about sharing her joy and happiness-not even with those she's closest to.

She has already chosen a dress. I'm excited to have someone who wants to be involved because our wedding planner was telling us sometimes they don't even meet the groom until the wedding day.

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Fast track: They want to Wednesday this summer.

Not only did she kill it as her and Kelly Rowland joined Beyonce at Coachella last weekend, but her and her bae Chad Johnson are still going strong!

She had just ended a relationship. Although the IL native sought refuge in the experience to get over a bad breakup, she instead found another connection to God and a connection to her heart as well.

Johnson - who also worked as a chaplain for pro sports teams including the Pittsburgh Steelers and L.A. Dodgers - was happy to help her.

I was in a awful, dark place, I just needed to go somewhere where I could get a message of hope and restoration, rejuvenation - get connected to God.

Michelle says: I started weeping and wailing when I see all these special people.

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