Microsoft Makes OneNote UWP Standard in Office 2019 for Windows

OneNote 2016 next to One Note for Windows 10

OneNote 2016 next to One Note for Windows 10

The OneNote UWP app will soon let you insert and search for tags, see live previews of Office files right in your notebook, and all the Class Notebook features available in the add-on for OneNote 2016 will also be natively integrated to the UWP app.

This also means Microsoft doesn't have to keep up development of two apps, since OneNote for Windows 10 will get all the attention, including any that would have inevitably went to OneNote 2019.

Microsoft, of course, wants OneNote users to switch to the the new Windows 10 application, and the company states that OneDrive for Windows 10 has "improved performance and reliability", that it uses a new sync engine that is quicker than the old, and that app users don't have to worry about updating the application as that happens automatically via Microsoft Store. And it is addressing complaints that OneNote for Windows 10 doesn't provide the full OneNote 2016 feature-set.

The company revealed that it has added more than 100 features based on user feedback to the Windows 10 application in the last 18 months, and that it plans to add even more features and other improvements in the coming months.

For a list of some of the features that now are available in OneNote 2016 vs. OneNote for Windows 10, check out this Microsoft blog post from March this year.

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We've been hard at work making sync faster and more reliable on OneNote for Windows 10, as well as on Mac, iOS, Android, and web.

"OneNote 2016 will still be there if you need it", Microsoft explains. For example, OneNote for Windows 10 can use voice commands to tell Cortana to take notes or use a PC camera as a document scanner or whiteboard capture tool. Support, bug fixes, and security updates will continue throughout the Office 2016 lifecycle - mainstream support for OneNote 2016 ends in October 2020 and extended support ends in October 2025. Along with inking OneNote app also offers various features and Microsoft has also announced more features will be soon available for Windows Insider to test.

Insert and search for tags: OneNote 2016's popular tags feature is coming to OneNote for Windows 10! Tags you create will now roam with you to across your devices, and OneNote will even show you tags other people have used in a shared notebook so you don't have to recreate them yourself.

View and edit other Office files directly in OneNote. And it will just be native to the app and not require users to install a separate add-in. In addition to bringing consistency to our apps, the new user experience scales much better for large notebooks and significantly improves accessibility for those who rely on assistive technologies. The OneNote team says that it will continue listening to user feedback and incorporating it into its future plans for the apps.

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