Microsoft Translator now includes AI-powered translations for offline users as well

Microsoft Translator now includes AI-powered translations for offline users as well

Microsoft Translator now includes AI-powered translations for offline users as well

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Microsoft squeezes its neural network translation technology into smartphones that lack specialized Artificial Intelligence hardware.

Microsoft today announced that they are bringing the AI-powered offline translation to iOS and Android users.

Currently, the availability of offline translation packs is limited to Android, iOS, and Amazon Fire devices. This is a pretty big milestone as these high-quality translation models previously required an Internet connection to work, or a dedicated AI chip such as the one found on the Huawei Mate 10. Now that capability is making its way to iPhones and stock Android devices without specialized AI chips.

In terms of quality and speed, the translations provided by the new Translator offline packs are "going to be very close to our online service", Menezes assured. These NMT packs are available in Translator's most popular languages and new NMT languages will be added regularly. "The gap between the neural offline translation and the previous translation quality with our older models is huge", said Menezes - and he wasn't shy to compare the quality of Microsoft's translation services to Google's.

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For Android developers, the Translator app also now offers a preview of the new local feature, which enables developers to quickly and easily add text translation to any Android app that benefit from translation capabilities. While most translation apps still work when they are offline, they can't use the sophisticated - and computationally intense - machine learning algorithms in the cloud that typically power them. The move to neural machine translation has reduced the size of Translator's packs by 50 percent. In addition, Android developers will now be able to integrate online and offline AI text translations into their apps by making use of the new Translator Local Feature preview easily.

Microsoft Translator released AI-powered online neural machine translation (NMT) in 2016.

If the device is connected to the internet, Translator will fetch translations from the corresponding service on Microsoft Azure.

Furthermore, the new Translator Local Feature is now available in preview for Android developers.

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