N. Korea: 'We no longer need' nuclear or missile test

N. Korea: 'We no longer need' nuclear or missile test

N. Korea: 'We no longer need' nuclear or missile test

North Korea escalated its missile testing over a year ago.

North Korea leader Kim Jong Un said in a statement his country no longer needed to conduct nuclear tests or intercontinental ballistic missile tests because it has completed weaponising nuclear arms, state media Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

"What President Trump did in the Syrian raid was say: 'Thou shalt not use chemical weapons, '" Chang, a longtime expert on North Korea, told David Asman on Fox Business.

"North Korea has agreed to suspend all Nuclear Tests and close up a major test site", Trump tweeted Friday.

The announcement came amid a diplomatic push to denuclearize North Korea, the main agenda for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's planned meeting with his counterparts from the South and the U.S.

Using the acronym for North Korea's official name, it said the North would "never use nuclear weapons nor transfer nuclear weapons or nuclear technology under any circumstances unless there are nuclear threat and nuclear provocation against the DPRK".

North Korea is closing the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site, where North Korea has tested a total of six nuclear weapons, including a thermonuclear bomb, the country is apparently announcing to the world.

The two Koreas are set to hold a summit meeting next Friday at the truce border village of Panmunjom, while U.S. President Donald Trump and Kim plan to meet sometime in May or early June at a yet-to-be-announced location.

The decision was made at the plenary meeting of the central committee of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), which drew keen attention over whether the North would possibly unveil a shift in stance toward its nuclear programs. It includes long-range missiles and nuclear weapons. "Look forward to our Summit". They believe he wants engage in talks and make some concessions around the edges that would convince Washington and other countries to ease sanctions on his struggling economy.

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Washington , London and Paris claimed the attack was a response to an alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria's Douma. Syrian state media says government forces have started bombing an Islamic State-held zone in Damascus.

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Past year it carried out its sixth nuclear blast, by far its most powerful to date, while Kim and Trump traded threats of war and personal insults as tensions ramped up.

Americans and hundreds of millions of South Koreans and others in Asia worry about Kim's military buildup.

Any agreement with the North should be contingent on global inspectors having 24-hour access to all parts of North Korea - with no site off limits and no notification of access.

His Defense Minister, Itsunori Onodera, went one step further, saying that the suspension of nuclear and missile tests was "insufficient" and "not satisfactory", as it did not mention Pyongyang's short- and mid-range capabilitiies - the missiles that can reach Japan.

The North said as it has completed development of nuclear weapons and that it does not need to conduct any more nuclear and missile tests.

In September, Kim additionally examined a hydrogen bomb - probably the most damaging of all nuclear weapons.

Pompeo's chat with Kim was meant to lay groundwork for a highly anticipated meeting between Trump and North Korea's leader. Kim might not need to conduct many more missile or nuclear tests to know he can hit targets in the USA homeland.

Mike Pompeo, the Central Intelligence Agency chief soon to become secretary of state, met secretly with Kim a few days ago, the White House confirmed.

President Moon said Thursday that North Korea has voiced a willingness for "complete denuclearization" and does not attach conditions that the US can not accept, such as the withdrawal of USA forces stationed in South Korea.

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