Neighborhood Calls for Help After Getting Buried in Tumbleweed Takeover

Tumbleweeds inundate homes in High Desert communities

Tumbleweeds inundate homes in High Desert communities

High winds brought unwelcome visitors to one isolated neighborhood here Monday in the form of hundreds and hundred of tumbleweeds. Residents in Victorville say it's unlike anything they've seen before, describing it as an "invasion" of tumbleweeds. "So no, it's never been this bad", Victorville resident Tanya Speight told KABC-TV. "And this is mild compared to what it was actually in the back yard and in the front of the house".

"This happens over and over", she said, adding that the city had said it would put a three to five foot fence outside her home to help block incoming tumbleweeds. Crews with the city's Code Enforcement Division were out in force to help with the cleanup.

I guess tumbleweeds aren't what they make them out to be in Looney Tunes after all.

ABC7 anchor Leticia Juarez said of the weeds, "Once you handle these things, you really realize you don't want to, they hurt, there's lots of thorny, pokey things all over them". The problem stems from open fields in the area.

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Video footage taken in the aftermath of the high winds shows giant stacks of tumbleweeds around the properties, some as high as the first storey.

One resident, Nancy Martinez-Brown, posted a photo of a pile of tumbleweeds reaching as high as the second-floor window of her home on Instagram.

Another resident was reportedly trapped for two house in his home before crew could remove the pileup for his doorway and garage. "They were just flowing like it was a tornado yesterday", Mangat said.

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