Officials will reveal Thursday whether charges will be filed in Prince's death

Prince's Paisley Park is looking for a new employee

Prince's Paisley Park is looking for a new employee

On Thursday the Carver County Attorney's Office will announce whether it will file charges against anyone in the death of superstar Prince.

Prince performs during the halftime show of the NFL's Super Bowl XLI football game in Miami, Florida, U.S., February 4, 2007.

The Carver County press release says that Metz will "articulate the legal status of these matters" but will not take questions on Thursday, almost two years after the star's death.

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However, the bank also raised its growth projection for 2019 to 2.1 per cent, up from its previous prediction of 1.6 per cent. Two of these sources of uncertainty - inflation and wage growth - were highlighted as areas showing particular progress.

Prince, whose full name is Prince Rogers Nelson, was found unresponsive in an elevator at Paisley Park, his home and recording studio in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Six weeks later, his cause of death was ruled to be an overdose of the prescription pain medication fentanyl, which is some 50 times more powerful than heroin.

An autopsy report says Prince died of a self-administered accidental overdose of the opioid fentanyl, but authorities still aren't sure how he got the drug.

Prince, known for his androgynous style and sexually charged songs, died a day before he was set to meet a California-based doctor who specializes in addiction treatment for a "life-saving mission".

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