On the Occasion of Israel's National Day

'Start-up nation' Israel marks 70 years amid political and security challenges

'Start-up nation' Israel marks 70 years amid political and security challenges

Netanyahu said Israel is "determined to stand strong" in the face of "continued incitement by our neighbors, a great many of whom refuse to come to terms with our existence".

The ethnic cleansing of 750,000 to one million indigenous Palestinians 70 years ago and turning them into refugees to establish a Jewish-majority state in Palestine is no cause for celebration.

He called on the United Nations as well as other world bodies and human rights institutions to refer to the violations committed by the Israelis against Palestinian prisoners as "war crimes and crimes against humanity that require the pursue of their perpetrators for urgent worldwide trial".

Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Twitter called for "offensive plans against the enemy", without specifically naming Israel.

Following a solemn remembrance of Israel's fallen on Wednesday as part of Memorial Day commemorations, Israelis kicked off celebration of its milestone 70th anniversary on Wednesday night in Independence Day festivities at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Last week, that same base was attacked in an airstrike that Syria, Iran and Russian Federation all blamed on Israel.

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They also mocked the Jewish women for getting tearful in the Commons - and described the anti-Semitism scandal as a "false flag". Mr Williamson - who maintained that he abhors antisemitism - responded: "It's a matter for due process in the Labour Party".

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Israel's success didn't happen overnight.

The government is celebrating the country's many economic and cultural accomplishments, while Israelis spend the day with dancing, fireworks, parties and barbecues.

The prime minister thanked US President Donald Trump for his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move its embassy to the holy city next month.

Trump tweeted Wednesday that "We have no better friends anywhere".

Its recognition last December of Jerusalem as Israel's capital sparked protests by Palestinians, who regard East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

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