OnePlus partners with Disney for Avengers: Infinity War for OnePlus 6 Edition

Jeremy Renner Hawkeye Avengers

Jeremy Renner Hawkeye Avengers

It's going to be an emotional time for Marvel fans everywhere.

Housed in a blue cube called the Tesseract, the Space Stone powers the Red Skull's Second World War weaponry in Captain America: The First Avenger, and is later used by Loki to open a space portal above New York City in The Avengers. The "culmination event" brings together almost every character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe into one movie, as they face their biggest threat: Thanos.

It was confirmed by Infinity War director Joe Russo that the film will be 156 minutes, or just about two and a half hours.

Each stone holds a particular power and through the last decade of Marvel movies, various characters have attempted to wield them to enact bad destruction upon the universe. You'll be able to learn about each character's comic book origin, their MCU origin, the best scene thus far with each character, and what to expect from each superhero in Infinity War - as well as future MCU movies, and more.

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But that then raises the question, how long will Avengers: Infinity War be? As a clip previously released by the studio showed Vision still alive with the Mind Stone on his forehead when he reaches Wakanda, it is clear he survives the attack.

In the MCU: In the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, the Orb forms the central focus of the film with pretty much every character seeking it out. But at the recently held press junket in Singapore, Downey Jr told NDTV that Marvel hasn't even told him how the movie ends. With Thanos being the main villain, and the audience not aware of his backstory in this Universe, it's possible they will give him the most screen time to introduce the fans to him. In fact, one of the most critical aspects is managing tone, and this film in particular, when egos like this clash between these superheroes there's bound to be humor.

"Avengers: Infinity War" hits theatres April 26. The Black Panther star immediately chose her own character but stated that the teenager has plenty of respect for Iron Man, who is "the OG of the Marvel [Cinematic] Universe". People are already emotionally invested in these characters that the Russos don't have to set a somber mood for fans to feel for them when Thanos arrives and starts wreaking havoc. "I think that the X-Force is leaned into a little bit more of the amoral code, like Deadpool", he says.

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