Pittsburgh police told to prepare for protests over potential Mueller firing



Amid persistent speculation that President Trump could try to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said that legislation created to protect Mueller from being dismissed was "not necessary" and would not be brought to the Senate floor.

She said on the other side, some of President Trump's most ardent supporters want Mueller fired, so the issue has become a "political minefield".

Well, anyway, in light of that, the commander of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, Victor Joseph, sent out a memo to officers advising them to start carrying riot gear with them in case Donald Trump says "You're fired" to Robert Mueller.

WTAE reporter Marcie Cipriani obtained emails sent to detectives in Pittsburgh warning them of a "potential large scale protest" in the city. "However, through an abundance of caution, we attempt to adequately prepare for an appropriate response", he continued. Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto tells Cipriani that Joseph's email to detectives sent out this week was simply a "precautionary" measure. "We receive information regularly about potential events and/or threats, assess the credibility of the information and plan for a potential event".

The alarming message came just hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told Fox News legislation created to protect Mueller - who is investigating alleged contacts between Russian officials and Trump's campaign - from being dismissed by Trump was "not necessary" and would not be brought to the Senate floor.

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"I don't think he should fire Mueller and I don't think he's going to", McConnell said in the interview with Fox News.

"Why don't I just fire Mueller?"

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) slammed McConnell's decision, saying, "It's a mistake not to pass legislation to protect the investigation".

It is not clear whether Joseph has some inside knowledge that would lead him to believe that Trump is planning to fire Mueller.

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