Power record: United Kingdom goes coal-free for two days

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The plants were able to produce more electricity using wind turbines, Bloomberg writes, between 10:25 p.m. Monday local time until 5:10 a.m. Thursday.

All those turbines you see along the motorways seem to be doing the job, as the United Kingdom set a new record for powering itself without the need to fall back on burning coal for electricity generation.

This does not include Northern Ireland, whose energy usage is recorded within the island of Ireland. This was followed by another 40-hour period in October without coal use. According to data compiled by the Carbon Brief website, coal use has declined by 75 percent between 2014 and 2017, leading to a historical low of 5.3 percent of energy consumption a year ago.

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The UK is phasing out its dependence on coal power plants. The government aims to switch off all coal plants by 2025 and has given renewables priority access to the grid. On current trends this target could achieved well before the 2020s though.

The UK electricity grid has set yet another record for operating without coal power, as the world's first industrial economy continues to wean itself off the high-emitting fossil fuel.

Couple the growth of renewables with the comparatively low price of gas, and we're likely to see more days without coal in the coming months.

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