PUBG Releases Patch Notes for Second Codename: Savage Playtest



Bluehole has been supporting its widely popular game, PUBG, with new content and updates to make the gameplay experience better and while the game does have cars but, seems like PUBG Corp is adding armored cars to the game in new event mode.

Although the UAZ was previously announced by a Community Manager of the game, an Reddit user found a 3D image of the new vehicle after mining the PUBG data files.

PUBG Corp. noted that it still has "some work to do" before showing off the underground cave. We'll just have to wait to find out.

Not only that, but the developer has teased expansions to the Codename: Savage map that will still be a 4x4 affair, but it will rock an exciting new set of underground tunnel that are inspired by real-world cave networks that are found in Thailand.

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"We're working on an underground cave system [for the Codename: Savage map] with plenty methods of escape".

The map won't get a full release for "a few more months", but PUBG Corp. promises more testing phases before then.

Recently, the new 4×4 map "Codename: Savage" was tried out in a test server, which ends at 6PM PST on April 18th. [The cave system] is looking pretty wonderful. The studio briefly discussed all of this in a blog post today, outlining some of what's to come for the Codename: Savage map.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is now available in varying stages of completion on PC, Xbox One, and mobile devices.

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